Election of Elders 2017

Having compiled a voter’s list we now progress to the appointing of new elders.

The Kirk Session are using the method set out in the Code Paragraph 178 (2), which states that
(a) On two successive Sundays the congregation shall be informed that an election of ruling elders is to take place and voting members are invited to propose, in writing, for the consideration of the Session, any member or members qualified for the office.
(b) The Session, having considered the proposals received and having obtained the consent of those approved, shall list the names of those to be presented to the congregation.

From Sunday 19th February 2017 the completed list of voters will be displayed in the Crush Hall. Any listed voter may nominate any person on that list for the consideration of Session. This should be done by listing those proposed by name and address on a sheet of paper that is then placed in an envelope.

In addition, you must put your own name and address on the outside of the envelope.

All returns are to be in by 5th March 2017 via the offering plate or to the church office.

An explanation of the roles and duties of the elder is available on the church website (https://knockpresbyterian.church/ipreacher/). In the light of that teaching it is now the responsibility of each voting member is to prayerfully consider who we believe it is appropriate to nominate to this role. The number you may wish to nominate is at your own discretion. Session has been considering the possibility of requiring approximately 10 names, but you are free to nominate more or less.

Unlike in elections for the Congregational Committee, existing elders remain members of Session do not come up for re-election. Therefore, you should not nominate existing elders. To do so is to waste a nomination. Similarly, to nominate a recently retired Elder is also to waste a nomination. A list of existing elders and those who have recently stepped down as elders is on display with the Voters’ List in the Crush Hall to help in the process.

This is a significant moment in the life of our congregation, for which we encourage the widest possible participation. Please give this matter your prayerful and active consideration.